North Conway Community Center
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Coordinator and Coaching Policies and Procedures

Building Access
While the community center does have open hours, there are times that programs may be running outside of open hours. The building during those times may only be open to program participants. The building can only be open to the general public when a staff member is on site.
Volunteers are provided a great deal of access to personal information which must be kept confidential. Information includes, but is not limited to medical information and contact information. Do not share contact information without getting permission from the individual.
Any first aid applied should be recorded in an accident report. In an emergency, call 911 right away. Parents/guardians/emergency contacts along with the Executive Director or Program Coordinator should be notified. All program participants provide emergency contact information. You will be provided access to these documents, however it is your responsibility to make sure you are familiar with how to access this information. Please ask NCCC staff if you are uncertain. If a neck or back injury is suspected, the person should not be moved. If an athlete hits their head, the athlete should be removed from practice to take a break and parents/guardians should be notified right away.
Timeliness and Absences
In order for programs to operate smoothly, your timely presence is important. Frequent tardiness, unexcused absences, or failure to call in promptly may result in termination.
In regards to youth sports:
Coaches should not dispense medication to any athlete.  If the athlete is required to take medication during practice and plan to take the medication themselves, the family should communicate the plan ahead of time.
Positive Behavior Management
When managing challenging behaviors, it is important to be respectful and clear. Children need structure and consistency. Positive redirection can take the form of a reminder of expected behaviors, a conversation, or encouragement. Consequences or sitting out from an activity should be used sparingly. Communicate with guardians when challenges arise.  If it is not possible to resolve the issue, communicate with the program coordinator to determine if early dismissal from the program is necessary. If participants are physically or emotionally harming themselves or others or are a threat to the safety of others, notify guardians for immediate pick up. A follow up conversation should take place with the Program Coordinator and the family.
Pay attention to weather patterns. If severe weather is imminent, move to a safe place and avoid open fields and being near water.